

Hi! My name is Steve Savage, and if truth be told, I’m not that interesting. My greatest accomplishment is probably the fact that I have been married to an amazing woman, Debbie, since 1989 and can say that we’re still in love with each other, even while raising 3 great kids ranging in ages from early to mid 20’s.

I was in the sales & marketing business (construction related products) for 20 years before becoming a pastor in 2007. Currently I am Co Pastoring at King’s Table Church in Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada

I come from a line of pastor’s… my maternal grandfather was a pastor with the Assemblies of God (Pentecostal) for over 60 years and my father was a pastor with the Fellowship and later General Conference of Baptist churches in Canada for over 50 years. I earned my Bachelor of Theology degree from a Baptist Bible College but then later became involved in pastoral ministry with the Mennonite Brethren Churches of Canada. With my family history I guess you could say I’m a Baptomennacostal.

Some of my favourite authors who have helped shape my theological outlook (outside of the bible) would have to be Augustine, Jonathan Edwards, Charles Spurgeon, Tim Keller, Don Carson, C.S. Lewis… among others.

I love to read and write, watch football, cheer on the Fremantle Dockers, play a little bit of very bad golf, spend time with my family, go for walks, watch documentaries, meet friends for coffee and chats, enjoy travelling while experiencing other cultures but sleeping at home in my own bed is always the best. I enjoy challenges especially if they cause growth in me, and I like speaking at churches, conferences and especially men’s retreats.

My goal in life (outside of loving Jesus, my family and my neighbour) is to lead others, with others, through a lifestyle of discipleship into an active relationship with God the Father through an intimate love relationship with Jesus Christ in order that we together will commit to the commands of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit, ultimately bringing Glory to God, edifying the church and impacting the community in which we live both locally and globally, for the greater good.